Join a MVMA Committee and become more involved today!
Committees of the association are formed to address the many issues and concerns that come before the veterinary profession. Members are invited to volunteer their time and talents to serve on committees of interest to them. Throughout issues of the newsletter, various committees will be highlighted including a listing of those serving on the committees. If you would like to serve on any committee, please call the MVMA and volunteer. Every attempt is made to accommodate your service to your profession. Come to a no obligation committee meeting or talk with the co-chair for more details.
2024 MVMA Committees and Committee Charges
Always remember the AVMA as a valuable resource for MVMA committee work.
View the complete listing of MVMA committees, committee charge and chair contact information below:
1. Wellness and Peer Assistance Committee (formerly Chemical Impairment and Addictions Committee)
BOD Liaison: Holly Rudolf, DVM Committee Chairs: Marceen Hammer DVM Provides resource information to MVMA members on issues of suicide awareness, chemical dependence, mental health, professional burn-out and compassion fatigue. The committee members regard it as their responsibility to provide assistance to MVMA members in need and to help them resume a well-balanced and healthy life. The committee plans a track at the MVMA convention around wellness issues annually. The committee is not a regulatory agency and does not report to one.
Wellness and Gender in Veterinary Environments (WeGIVE) Subcommittee BOD Liaison: Holly Rudolf, DVM Subcommittee Co-Chairs: Megan Schommer, DVM & Sonja Hendrickson, DVM Wellness and Gender in Veterinary Environments (WeGIVE) was a formed group that started as a result of the MVMA’s Veterinarian Survey conducted spring 2017 and the Board of Directors strategic planning meeting in December 2017. Originally charged with planning a track at the Annual Meeting to help members address challenges they face in the demanding veterinary profession; the group quickly acknowledged that many of the challenges affect veterinarians of all walks of life. In an order to be inclusive they adopted the name WeGIVE. Outside of the Annual Meeting the group is hoping to organize activities that foster a welcoming and supportive environment for all in the veterinary medicine field.
2. Continuing Education Small Animal Committee
BOD Liaison: Ned Patterson, DVM Committee Chair: Jennifer Schurrer, DVM Create and carry out continuing education seminars for veterinarians and staff; assist veterinarians in broadening their knowledge and skill levels to provide the best medical care for their clients and patients.
3. Finance & Operations Committee
BOD Liaison: Heather Douglas, DVM Committee chair: Rob Memmen, DVM Develop a fiscal policy including budget analysis, separate convention budget, long-range dues increases, review of expenditures, recommendations for the expenditures of funds, increases and decreases of expenses. Annual review of policies and procedures for MVMA financial transactions.
4. Ruminant Committee
BOD Liaison: Jim Bennett, DVM Committee Chair: Joe Armstrong, DVM To keep MVMA members apprised on food animal issues such as pharmaceutical use in food producing animals, as well as other food safety and welfare practices that enhance animal agriculture and production. The FAPC will monitor current federal and Minnesota regulations for food animal practitioners, will communicate new information to MVMA members through regular newsletter articles, and will work to assist members with their efforts to be compliant with the current food animal and safety standards and best practices pertaining to food animal species. Contribute to the planning of all large animal CE.
5. Governmental Affairs Committee
BOD Liaison: Jessica Koppien-Fox, DVM Committee Chair: Trevor Ames, DVM Vice Chair: Jessica Koppien-Fox, DVM Serve as liaison for the MVMA with the state legislature and various state agencies. Develop the annual legislative program for approval by the Board of Directors and in cooperation with the standing committees. Coordinate the activities of the lobbyists in support of the annual legislative program. Monitor legislation affecting veterinary medicine at the state and national levels. Serve as liaison for the MVMA with the Minnesota Agri-Growth Council, and livestock, commodity and companion animal organizations. Promote membership in VET-PAC and update yearly the Key Contact Network. Prepare and distribute the Legislative Alert Bulletins to the Key Contact Veterinarians during the legislative session.
6. State Fair - Miracle of Birth Center Committee
BOD Liaison: Jim Bennett, DVM Co-Chairs: Mary Olson, DVM; Holly Neaton, DVM; Kevin Haroldson, DVM; Marjorie Schleper, DVM; Katherine Pjevach, DVM; Michaela Olson, DVM; Nancy Peterson, DVM To facilitate information about the birth process and the care animals receive from farmers and veterinary professionals. In addition, provide a forum about animal agriculture and how farmers and veterinarians will meet the challenge of feeding the world’s expanding population with limited resources.
7. State Fair - Surgery Suite Committee
BOD Liaison and Co-Chair: Travis Anderson, DVM Committee Co-Chairs: Krista Walkowiak, DVM Travis Anderson, DVM Organize and coordinate all aspects of the State Fair Surgery Suite to educate the public on pet overpopulation and veterinary medicine in general.
8. Membership Committee
BOD Liaison: Jessica Koppien-Fox, DVM Committee Chair: Gary Goldstein, DVM To promote and retain MVMA membership for the continued growth and advancement of the organization. The Nominations and Awards Subcommittee reports to this committee. Nominations and Awards Subcommittee Subcommittee Chair: Jim Bennett, DVM Develop a list of nominees for positions to be elected to the Board of Directors and coordinate MVMA awards activities.
9. Disaster and Emergency Preparedness Committee
BOD Liaison: Ann Brownlee, DVM Committee Chair: Michelle Willette, DVM Assist the MVMA to coordinate with local and state agencies to facilitate the development of a sustainable veterinary disaster and emergency preparedness program to protect and serve the people, pets and animal agriculture of Minnesota. Serve as an avenue for MVMA members to learn and become active in the Minnesota Veterinary Reserve Corps (MVMRC).
10. Ethics & Grievance Committee
BOD Liaison: Rob Memmen, DVM Committee Chair: Kathryn French, DVM Review complaints from various concerned parties and confidentially mediate disputes between dissatisfied clients and veterinarians. (No regular meetings, complaint-based meetings)
11. Public Health Committee
BOD Liaison: Jessica Koppien-Fox, DVM Committee Co-Chairs: Stephanie Yendell, DVM Courtney Wheeler, DVM Enhance the health and well-being of both humans and animals through education. Keep the veterinary community informed of public health/regulatory medicine issues and promote the human-companion animal bond.
12. Council of Senior Veterinarians - KEEP MOVing
BOD Liaison: Ann Brownlee, DVM Council Co-Chairs: Mary Olson, DVM & Jerry Sprau, DVM Provide a forum to discuss issues of interest to senior veterinarians, and to participate in projects beneficial to the profession.
13. Small Animal Welfare Committee
BOD Liaison: Travis Anderson, DVM Committee Chair: Paul Anderson, DVM Identify issues that affect small animal welfare in the state of Minnesota. Develop and monitor programs and policies to improve small animal welfare. For the purposes of this committee, small animals are defined as animals commonly managed by small animal veterinary practitioners.
14. Veterinary Technicians Committee
BOD Liaison: Ann Brownlee, DVM Committee Chair: Alan Balay, DVM Serve as a liaison between MAVT and MVMA. Promote credentialing and continuing education of veterinary technicians. Encourage veterinarians to fully utilize credentialed veterinary technicians as vital members of the veterinary health care team. Support the growth and advancement of the veterinary technician profession broadly, and as a career that can sustain the individual long-term.
Veterinary Technician Credentialing Subcommittee Subcommittee chairs, Allen Balay, DVM & Kim Horne, CVT, VTS (Dermatology) Review MVMA Continuing Education guidelines and MN Veterinary Technician Certification Renewal Requirements and revise as needed. Evaluate certification renewals of current CVTs, provide feedback when requested for new applications with recommendations to approve/reject.
15. Industry Partners Committee
BOD Liaison: Chris Anderson, DVM Committee Chair: Bill Butler Helping veterinarians feel supported by industry and providing feedback for MVMA/MVMF events while fostering industry relationships through collaboration and networking.
16. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Action Team Task Force Chair: Ned Patterson, DVM The Minnesota Veterinary Medical Association maintains that diversity, equity, and inclusivity promote excellence. We are committed to increasing representation, support, retention, and accessibility in the veterinary profession to foster a sense of belonging within our communities.
17. Opioid Task Force Task Force Chair: Jessica Koppien-Fox, DVM This taskforce will serve as a primary resource and advisor to the Board on the opioid crisis, and the appropriate veterinary role and response, including raising awareness among members. The taskforce will develop short and long-term strategies so that the MVMA can share recommendations for policy and its implementation with legislators, regulators and other stakeholders. Further, the taskforce will collaborate with human health entities in a One Health approach to the overarching issue of opioid and controlled substances misuse and diversion.
18. Minnesota Opportunities for Veterinary Engagement (MOVE) Task Force To support the professional success and development of veterinary professionals through social and educational networking opportunities.
Committees – Identified in the bylaws (standing) or task forces and ad hoc committees appointed as needed by the current president or board of directors.
Councils – On-going self-governing groups to engage diverse member interests. They may take on projects or simply be a forum to unite and allow exchanges of like-minded members.
Task Forces – Small groups formed to address a specific need or project-based activity with a limited scope and duration.