Legislative Resources

Legislative Clinic Visits

The Lockridge Grindal staff invites MVMA members to consider hosting a state legislator at their veterinary clinic or hospital. The lobbyist will take care of all of the arrangements once the date is arranged with the MVMA member for the legislative visit. These visits provide legislators the opportunity to visit veterinarians and better understand the important work that veterinarians do as a local business in the community and the valuable care they provide to animals. Often legislators will contact their local veterinarian constituents when they are faced with legislation involving animals and animal care issues because they view veterinarians as experts concerning these issues. It is also important for veterinarian members to stay in touch with their legislators following a clinic visit to let them know that they are interested in legislative matters and want to continue to be a resource for the legislator.

Please contact the MVMA at 651-645-7533 or [email protected] if you are interested in arranging a clinic visit. 

Veterinary Day At The Capitol

2025 Day at the Capitol: March 5, 2025

Veterinary Day at the Capitol presents an opportunity to speak directly with your state legislators about what you do and the issues you face as a veterinary professional in Minnesota. It is imperative that we meet face-to-face with legislators to help them understand our legislative priorities. Please register by Friday, February 24 by clicking here.

Legislative Links

MVMA Lobbyists

Registered MVMA Lobbyists consist of volunteer and staff lobbyists, as well as paid, professional lobbyists. You may contact our volunteer/staff lobbyists with any legislative concerns.

John Baillie, DVM
Minnesota Veterinary Medical
Association Staff
Office: 651-645-7533
[email protected]


Cullen Sheehan
Lockridge, Grindal & Nauen, P.L.L.P.
Office: 612-339-6900
Direct: 651-270-8235
Cory Bennett
Capitol Hill Associates
Office: 612-269-4320